Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Photo Assignment 1: Animal

Image Triangle:
  • Shutter Speed - 1/100
  • ISO - 100
  • F-Number - 5.6
In this assignment I had to take a picture of animals for this assignment.  Instead of just taking a picture of my dog sleeping I had her sprint around my yard.  She does this all the time and even does a little hop/skip while she runs.

This assignment went okay.  I couldn't get the most clear picture ever.  The sunlight was perfect though with the setting sun in the right side of my picture. Otherwise the small blurriness my pictures were great.


  1. The puppy is adorable and I like the lighting.

  2. I really like this photo because it looks like the dog is flying through the air. It also makes him look like hes going really fast.

  3. I like how the dog is in mid-air and is running down the path of light.

  4. The dog pictures are cool, however all of them are pretty blurry. The bird one is pretty cool, you should have taken more of them.

  5. what a Rocket Dog! she's a pretty speedy speeder, huh? these are some great photographs, even if there is some blur. the sunlight adds wonderfully to the pictures.
